Dallas Handguns Permits: Safety As a Rule

Dallas Handguns Permits

Texas handgun sales popped up more than 30% last month compared to February 2011. Speculation is that fears of an Obama re-election in November could result in stricter gun control laws. This news leaves me not surprised, but somewhat concerned. Many people buy guns and take no time to learn proper shooting techniques, care and safety. The National Shooting Sports Foundation has 10 rules of safe gun handling that I’d like to share – the same rules apply to handguns as to rifles. Here they are:

1.   All guns are always loaded.

2.  Never let the muzzle of your weapon cover anything your not willing to destroy.

3.  Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on the target.

4.  Always make sure of your target and what is beyond.

Be sure and share these rules with anyone who has access to your gun. Remember, it takes practice to learn the specific differences of each gun you buy. Be safe and practice at local gun clubs, receiving instruction from experienced master trainers.

If you are looking for training, please visit our handgun and rifle training classes.


Dallas Handguns Permits